Policies & Procedures
- 2023-25 Procedures & Policies for Students and Families
- 2023-25 Procedures & Policies for Students and Families - Spanish
- 2023-25 Procedures & Policies for Students and Families - Arabic
- 2023-25 Procedures & Policies for Students and Families - Vietnamese
- Jefferson Parish School Board policies
- Parental Consent for Student Internet Use
- Bullying Report Form
- 2023-2024 Pupil Progression Plan
- 2024-25 DRAFT - JP Schools Pupil Progression Plan
Terrytown Elementary Policies & Procedures
Download a complete PDF of Terrytown’s student handbook:
- Student Handbook in English
- Student Handbook in Spanish
To view specific sections of the policy, please click on the relevant links below:
Statement of Compliance
General School Policies
- Mission Statement
- Terrytown Expectations
- Absences
- Accidents and First Aid
- Address/Telephone Number Change
- Americans with Disabilities Act
- Arrival
- Before and After School Care
- Breakfast
- Bus Regulations
- Cafeteria
- Check In/Check Out in the Office
- Child Abuse and Neglect
- Conferences and Teacher Contact
- Debts
- Dismissal
- Dress Policy
- Field Trips
- Grading Policy
- Hall Passes
- Head Lice
- Holiday Events/Parties
- Medication and Illnesses
- Metal Detectors, Canine Searches, and Camera Surveillance
- Parent Volunteers
- Problem Resolution
- Registration
- School Hours
- School Property
- Transfer And/Or Withdrawal
- Visitors
Behavior Management Policy